ADAHRS mount, part 3

The first and most interesting question of the evening involved laying out the mount holes to match the ADAHRS units. Normally, I’d use the actual unit as a drill guide for something like this, but that wasn’t going to work for this – because the holes through the mounts need to be undersized, since they’ll get tapped for the 10-32 attach screw. Laying tham out manually seemed fraught with peril, especially since the hole spacings are 4.2” – not exactly a nice even division.

Eventually, though, I realized I could use the unit itself for this. I’d already drawn a line along the length of both angle pieces, marking where I wanted the mount holes to lie; I just needed a way to draw an intersecting line to mark the hole centers. So I clamped an ADAHRS in place on the angle, butted against the mark at the lateral center (ie where it would butt against the other unit), and then traced the inside of the mount holes. The outboard intersections between those circles and the previous mark would be my hole centers, and I could know they were the right distance apart since I used the unit as a guide.

So with those marks, I got the four holes drilled in one angle, then clamped both angles together and drilled through both of them to make the matching holes in the other angle. For the moment, I only drilled them to #30 – the final hole size before tapping will be #21, but I want to drill that final hole in assembly with the bar stock pads I’ll be adding to provide adequate thickness for the tapped threads.

As for those pads – last night I’d figured on just cutting 3/4” strips, making them the length of both ADAHRS units together, and riveting them to the angles. I decided instead to just use short pieces as needed; here again I can save a bit of weight and material. So there end up being three mount pads per angle piece: the two outboard ones cover the single outboard holes, while the center ones cover both inboard holes for the units. Each pad will be attached with a pair of flush rivets.

Anyway, there was just a decent bit of measuring and cutting and deburring and laying out holes and so forth. Also a brief break after my bandsaw blade decided to break – good thing I have a spare, or I would have been rather annoyed. I got to the point of having all the rivet holes drill between the pieces, and called it a night:

So tomorrow I’ll just need to mark the pieces so I can keep track of which goes where, get the rivet holes deburred and countersunk, then shoot primer on all this stuff before getting the riveting done. I’m going to wait until everything’s riveted together before I final-drill and tap the actual screw holes – I really want to make sure those are lined up properly.

I guess I need to think of my next mini-project – which I think will be putting together the switch console. That should provide a good solid couple days’ work…

Posted in Avionics, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1.5

ADAHRS mount, part 2

Not a ton to report tonight. I laid out and cut the second angle piece that will constitute the ADAHRS mount platform. Next up will be deciding how to add the thick plate material that I’ll be tapping for the attach screws. Originally I was going to bridge the angles together with that stuff, but I don’t really feel like there’s a need to do that, and it’ll just add weight. So now I’m leaning towards just cutting two bar-shaped pieces the same width as the angles and riveting those in place.

It was fun to do a little mockup at the end of the night though:

Posted in Avionics, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1

ADAHRS mount, part 1

Sort of a two-parter here. Tuesday night, I did a pretty extensive inventory of all the avionics, in an attempt to document all the assorted fasteners I’d need to get things mounted. Once I had that done, I assembled a decent-sized Spruce order, and added the ELT because 1) I figure I’ll want to mount it semi-soon and 2) it allowed me to get free shipping. Now all that stuff’s on the way.

Tonight, I got started on the mount setup for the ADAHRS units. Originally I’d planned to build a sheet shelf like I have elsewhere, and put it right behind the baggage bulkhead, but I’ve rethought some of that. For one thing, I decided to move the mount back to just ahead of the next bulkhead. The reasoning here is to get some separation between the units and the baggage area. A concern here is ferrous material that might affect the magnetometer (aka electronic compass), especially ferrous material that moves around or isn’t always there – for example…baggage! This location will make maintenance less fun, like if I ever need to service or replace one of these, but that’s better than having them be unreliable.

I’m also fabricating the mount out of a combination of angle and thick stock. This is to 1) provide really good rigidity and 2) provide a mounting surface thick enough to tap for screws. In keeping with the ferrous-material concerns above, these units must be mounted with non-ferrous hardware, such as brass screws. I really don’t want to do screws and nuts here – I’m imagining trying to work a screwdriver and wrench back here to service one of these – and while stainless nutplates do exists, they’re harder to find and still not necessarily non-ferrous. So I’m just going to tap the mount and have the screws thread directly into it.

Anyway, all I did tonight was set the location of the rear angle piece and get it cut and trimmed to fit. Next comes the more fun part of laying out the second angle at the precise distance forward, and figuring out the fit of the plates that will tie them together. Tomorrow…

Posted in Avionics, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1.5

Wrapping up the lower shelf

Hooray for shelves! OK, I didn’t finish them yesterday like I thought, but that’s cause I ended up not doing airplane things yesterday. So I maintain that this counts, you just have to interpret “tomorrow” as “the next workday.”

The first part of the day was just figuring out how to get these quarter-turn fasteners installed. I attempted to find some documentation for these Friday night, and about all I ran across were some engineering drawings. So I did some mocking up and tinkering today just to wrap my head around how these should work. The overall idea is obvious: two rivet holes to attach the base to its mounting surface, and one larger one in the center to accommodate the actual fastener.

What’s interesting is that the specs on McMaster-Carr seem to indicate that the center hole should be a different size for the two panels – but that makes no sense, as the fastener has to go through both panels. So I just started experimenting with scrap. A 1/4” hole was a good size to accommodate the fastener shaft with a bit of wiggle room.

Next up was how to actually locate that center hole. I couldn’t just use a base as a drill guide, since the center hole isn’t really round. Instead, I worked out the rivet hole spacing, and just made myself a drill guide using a piece of scrap angle. With this, I could drill three #40 holes in a piece, then enlarge the center hole to 1/4”. I did a test run drilling a set of holes in another piece of scrap angle, and it worked perfectly.

Next I drilled a 1/4” hole in a strip of sheet, and used the fastener to attach them. This worked, but didn’t hold the pieces tightly together. This wasn’t automatically an issue, though; in practice, there’s a little retainer that goes on the fastener, which is what keeps it captive in the panel. I measured one of those and found that it was .040” thick. Just right for me to use a piece of scrap hinge as a pseudo-retainer to test the final fit. (I couldn’t just use the retainer; they’re a one-time use thing, and I had no spares)

So finally, after probably an hour and a half, I was satisfied that I could actually mount these things. Next I had to actually fit them. The challenge here was accurately drilling the center hole in assembly between the shelf and mount brackets, in position in the airplane, clamped together tightly. What I ended up doing was first laying out those holes in the shelf. To do this, I installed the shelf in the plane (for, I dunno, the fourth or fifth time) and marked the outlines of the four brackets. Then the shelf came out again and I marked the counterpoints for each bracket, then drilled a #40 hole at each spot. Then the shelf went back in again, got clamped in place, and I drilled the center holes through the brackets. Finally, it all came back out again, I used my drill guide on the brackets, enlarged holes as necessary, countersunk for flush rivets, and then it was time for primer.

By this time it had been raining steadily for a while, so I ended up shooting primer on the brackets inside the hanger. It’d been windy all day, so ventilation wasn’t really an issue:

While the primer was drying, I went to work finalizing the shelf itself. I still hadn’t final-trimmed it to length, so there was that, and I also wanted to add a small flange to the aft side. The sheet has a bit of a curve to it, which has been annoying while fitting it. In practice, the hinge would keep one side straight, and the quarter-turns ought to take care of the other, but I really wanted to have it be naturally straight. So I laid out a 1/2” flange, did the cuts necessary to set that up, cleaned up the edges, and got the flange bent.

By the time that was done, the primer was dry, and I got the bases riveted to the brackets and clecoed those back into the fuselage. That made it time for a real live test fit, albeit without the fasteners actually captive in the shelf. And…it fit! Whew. So I installed the retainers (necessitating removing and then reinstalling the shelf again), and gave it another test fit.

The only thing I didn’t like was that the fasteners didn’t quite seem super snug – it took hardly any force whatsoever to turn them. It seemed to me that, in this state, they could very possibly vibrate loose in flight, which would not be a good thing with the shelf being right above the stick. I already had a loose plan for this from my earlier experimentation – I went into one of my O-ring kits, got four little 3/8” ID rings, and put one on each fastener above the retainer. With those in place, the fasteners fit nice and tight. At this point, i was satisfied enough with everything to take the final step of riveting the brackets to the brace.

So finally: pictures! Here’s the finished shelf stowed, with the brackets still clecoed. The wings on the fasteners are just visible, as is the flange in the aft end of the shelf:

And the shelf lowered, showing a little more detail on the brackets and bases:

Next, it was time for some live mockups. After having worked on placing the electrical distribution stuff on cardboard cutouts for a while, I could finally look at it in place:

This was a worthwhile exercise. The E-bus alternate feed relay (top right) has vertically-oriented terminals. It’s not obvious from the photo, but the forward upper brace is in somewhat close proximity. I think that large wires going into and out of the relay would be problematic with this layout. Fortunately, this seems easily solvable just by reorienting the battery bus a bit.

A part of the layout tinkering, I laid out some cable guides in their rough locations, and then decided to go to town annotating a photo of the setup to demonstrate the planned wire routing. All wires enter/exit the shelf near the hinge line, necessary to allow the thing to pivot properly. Power feeds enter on the left, while all the individual circuit lines exit on the right.

The red line represents switched power from the master contactor. Normally, this line will be supplying almost everything on the airplane, with the exception of a couple things on the battery bus. The switched power feed first goes to the main bus fuse block on the left, and then continues to the E-bus fuse block, going through a Schottky diode. More on that in a second as well.

The blue line represents an always-hot line, directly from the battery – where it will be protected by an ANL fuse. The line feeds to the battery bus, then continues to the E-bus alternate feed relay. This relay is controlled by a switch in the cockpit, and it allows for feeding the E-bus directly from the battery bus. In the case of a master contactor failure, or any sort of electrical fault with the main bus feed, this will allow keeping minimum equipment online using just the ship’s battery. This situation is also the reason for the large diode between the main and E-bus; without this, closing the alternate feed would also energize the main bus, which is not desirable for a few different reason.

Finally, the green lines represent all the individual wires from circuits, making a nice little bundle. That bundle will also include a switched ground wire that will control the E-bus alternate feed relay.

(now the only question is: will it look anywhere this neat when I’m done with it?)

(also that turned into a lot more of a lecture than I intended)

Av shelf

So now…what next? I think I need to start working up a fastener inventory for actually mounting all this stuff. Between that and the need to get the ELT ordered, I ought to have justification for a Spruce order. I wonder if I should also go ahead and order the large-gauge wire needed for the bus feeds here. With those in hand, I think I can finalize the component locations here and get stuff mounted.

In the meantime, I guess now that I have avionics on hand, I can fabricate the ADAHRS mount in the aft fuse; that’s pretty independent of other stuff, and I could also finalize the static system routing – by which I mean cutting one more piece of tubing probably a couple feet long…

I think I’m going to stop typing now.

Posted in Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 3.5

Almost done with that pesky lower shelf

So yeah, made good progress on the shelf tonight. First order of business was working on the other half of the piano hinge, which attaches to the lower baggage bulkhead. I already had my layout lines there from a previous session, so this went pretty quickly. About the only real challenge was that since the hinge half is pretty much in the middle of the bulkhead, there was no good way to clamp it in place for the first few holes. I just resorted to holding it by hand while drilling the first three holes, then with it checked it was in a good spot to drill the rest of the holes. Then I just did all the demurring and prep and riveted it on. Nothing to it.

Next up was dealing with the attach point for the aft end of the shelf. I’ve planned all along to handle this by attaching aluminum angle to the aft upper brace, and the projecting lip of the angle is where the quarter-turn fasteners will live. I did change that plan up a bit, though – originally I was going to have the free side of the angle pointing forward, but I decided to reverse it instead. The reason for this was to provide more room on the shelf – with the angle forward, I’d have about 3/4” of the shelf where I couldn’t really run anything. Turning it the other way gets me that space back.

I’d also originally planned to use a single piece of aluminum, but I decided to do the extra work necessary to just have four small pieces in my fastener locations. Might as well save a little weight here and there.

Laying out the angle was a bit more fun than the hinge half, especially since I was working inside the fuselage and not on the workbench. Plus, messing up the brace would be annoying, so better to be careful here. Here’s a look at the brace with the four angle pieces clecoed in place:

Next up, it was time to reinstall all the baggage compartment pieces. In order to really make that bulkhead stable, the baggage floor has to be in place too. So a bit of busy work there, but once that was done, it was the moment of truth: trying to install the shelf. I probably didn’t need to worry, it fit just fine.

Here’s the shelf clamped into its stowed position (also giving me my opportunity to mark where the shelf edge should go, using the angles as a guide):

And then in the lowered position, as I’d see it if I needed to swap out a fuse or service anything else here:

So we’re getting there. The big remaining thing is going to be fitting the actual quarter-turn fasteners. These things came with no instructions or drill templates or anything like that, so while they’re not exactly complicated, I’ve still got to get this hashed out. Maybe I should check the McMaster website and they’ll have some dimensional drawings I can us for drilling.

I’ve also got to get those angle pieces primed before I install the fastener bases and rivet everything in place. I’m leaning towards just using MSP blind rivets here; bucking under that brace might be interesting, especially with the bases installed. But the way I figure it, this should be wrapped up tomorrow.

Posted in Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 2

Even more lower shelf, plus some more planning

Well, this is actually two nights’ worth of work – I neglected to bang anything out here for yesterday. The main thrust has been continuing to work on that lower shelf. Yesterday I fitted the hinge half to the shelf, laid out the rivet locations, and drilled them together. Tonight I got the shelf dimpled and the hinge countersunk, and riveted the two together. I also removed a few hinge eyelets in the middle of both halves – since space outboard of the hinge will be limited, there’ll be no way to ever pull a single-piece pin out to either side, and thus no way of ever removing this shelf for service once it’s riveted in. I don’t want that, so instead I cut the hinge pin into two halves, which can be removed by pulling either one from the center of the hinge assembly.

The shelf with the finished hinge setup can be seen here:

Note that the far side of the shelf isn’t final-cut yet; I’m going to mark that once I have the whole thing fit into place in the aircraft, and trim to that line, rather than measuring. This should get me a better fit, at the cost of a couple more fitting iterations.

The bigger news, though, is that today the UPS man brought me a sizable package from SteinAir, which contained the bulk of my avionics. Or maybe all of them, depending on how you define the term. I wasted no time in opening boxes and starting to use the actual avionics boxes to verify some of my layouts:

This turned out to be a good thing; it seems my previous upper avionics shelf plan has some issues. The biggest thing I didn’t account for is that I can’t use the entire front-to-back width of the shelf. There are two reasons for this: the first is that there’s about 1 1.5” overlap between the shelf and the forward upper brace, and I can’t put any attach nutplates there. There are also the items I was planning on putting inside the baggage bulkhead; the most notable things here will be the voltage regulators, which are just under 2” tall.

I have a few new ideas about how to resolve this, but I think before I can really commit to any of them, I’m going to need the final missing component up here, which is the CPI2 electronic ignition controller. I shot an email to Ross at SDS this week to get that conversation started, but before I can finalize that order, I need to get back with Jim Ball at Titan for some details on my engine. And I also want to go ahead and get my finish kit ordered. And probably the prop pretty soon too; I haven’t checked recently, but I think Whirl Wind generally runs about a three-month lead time.

Still got plenty to do even without the layout finished. The first minor wiring project will be the switch console, and I think I may go ahead and see about getting the panel cut. Having all the bits in place there will give me a better idea of any potential space constraints between the in-panel stuff and the things on the shelf.

Posted in Empennage, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 3

More lower shelf

Just more poking with this shelf today. I made myself a little diagram and spreadsheet to analyze my idea for letting the shelf flanges act as a stop. Turns out it’s not really a workable idea, unless I want to get really fancy with those flanges…which I don’t. So I changed my mind (again). I’m going to bend the flanges up at the edges of the shelf, which will make the bottom smooth, and just let it rest against the brake lines when it’s lowered. Since this will only ever happen on the ground, I think this is fine.

This decision was the culmination of a variety of head-scratching moments today. At one point I put the baggage bulkhead and other associated parts back in the plane to evaluate how the shelf would sit. I did actually do a tiny bit of metalwork…I took a vixen file and squared up the cut edges of yesterday’s sheet, then got the flanges laid out. I wanted to get to cutting them, but the hangar lights were attracting entirely too much insect life for my liking, so I used that as an excuse to go inside for the evening.

Hopefully soon there will be some photos of the result of all this head-scratching. But probably not tomorrow, the grass is looking like it’s due for a mow, and sunset is getting earlier by the day…

Oh, I did get in my big pile of switches and stuff from Digi-Key. Once this shelf is fabricated, I think I might be moving on to the switch console.

Posted in Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1

Lower shelf

Did some more messing around with the lower shelf tonight. After putting the bulkhead and other stuff in place previously, I was able to measure more precisely the width I could make the shelf, so before moving to any fabrication I cut down my cardboard mockup and did yet another dry run of component positioning. This time I made it a little more realistic by laying some of the cable guides I got in place to better simulate the wire runs. I even went so far as to estimate the size of the bundles that will come off the fuse blocks because sometimes I get carried away like that.

The general idea here is that the two supply lines (one switched, one always-hot) will come in from the top left. Switched line goes to the main bus on the left, always-hot goes across to the battery bus on the right side. From there, one supply line will tap off the main bus, across the diode, and to the e-bus; a similar supply line will tap off the battery bus, through the relay, and act as the redundant supply for the e-bus. That feed will be switchable from in the cockpit if necessary. All the individual circuit feeds will be routed together at the bottom and exit at the top right, along with the switched ground for the e-bus relay.

I also rethought the hinge setup for this shelf. Previously I was thinking of using a piece of angle to space the hinge point off the bulkhead a bit, to allow for clearance to the brake lines while the shelf was lowered. Doing the layout work above made me question the wisdom of losing 3/4” of width on the shelf, though, so I decided to retain the hinge point against the bulkhead, and just come up with some means to limit the travel of the shelf when lowered. This can be done rather simply, it turns out – I’ll want to add stiffening flanges on either end of the shelf, and if I orient them downward, they can act as travel stops when they hit the bulkhead. I’ll probably eventually add some rubber or other material on the edges just so it’s not metal-on-metal, though it’s probably not a big deal.

Anyway, tonight I started fabricating the shelf. I cut off yet another section of that old wing skin, trimmed it to rough size, and also cut the piece of piano hinge. I actually ended up stopping at this point, because I want to carefully lay out the stiffening flange, seeing as how it will be acting as a travel stop. I’d like to be careful here, so I can get maximum travel out of the shelf (to provide the best accessibility) without hitting the brake lines.

So I’ll work that out, and then I can probably finish fabricating this thing in pretty short order.

Posted in Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1.5

A better removable stick

Alright, so it hasn’t been a great week for shop time…but that doesn’t mean nothing’s been getting done. I’ve been spending a lot of “inside time” working through all the assorted stuff that needs to be ordered. I placed a fair-sized order with Digi-Key, which contains what should be the entire array of switches for the plane, along with some other miscellaneous stuff. From elsewhere, I order a few PWM dimmers – one of these will be used to control the panel lighting, the other two will be temperature controllers for the heated seats, in lieu of the two-position switches that will come with the heat pads.

While I’m here, a quick word about those heated seats. When I mentioned these to Josie, specifically asking a usability question for the rear-seat passenger, she laughed at the idea. Who would need heated seats in this area? Well, for one thing, RV-8s are notorious for not getting much hot air to the rear seat, since there’s just an inlet on the firewall. But also, after getting some advice from folks, I’m actually going to bypass the heat muff on the exhaust for that heater inlet – that is, instead of it being a way to get hot air into the cabin, it’ll just be another fresh air vent, but fed off pressurized air from the cowling. This should be very nice for those hot summers. Hopefully the seat heaters plus dressing warmly will work for these Houston winters, but if not I can also consider connecting the heat muff for part of the year as well.

Anyway, I was talking about ordering stuff. I heard back from SteinAir on Thursday – my avionics are in! So I paid off the invoice balance (ouch), and hopefully those should be on my doorstep this week. Finally, I spent a bunch of time on McMaster-Carr and elsewhere learning way too much about quarter-turn fasteners. I’ll use these to hold my fuse block shelf in place, but allow for a quick release for servicing. I ended up ordering these fasteners from McMaster-Carr, and while I was working that order, I got to thinking about the rear stick, which will eventually bring us to tonight’s bit of work.

The rear stick is a two-piece affair from the factory, with the stick itself sliding into the base that’s attached to the control column. Back when I was working on this I drilled the 3/16” hole through both items, and added an AN3 bolt to hold it on place. I wanted a way to make the stick a little more easily detachable, so while I was shopping I started looking at quick-release pins and other options. Simple having a pin in place of the bolt seemed like a decent idea, but the one thing that got me a bit is that it’ll be sharing that space with the wires coming from the stick grip. It’s probably me being overly concerned, but I figure blindly sticking a pin through a tube containing a wire bundle might one day result in damage.

Thing was, there’s an alternative that lots of builders have done. Instead of a pin or bolt, they use these little spring clips from McMaster-Carr. They’re intended to go in telescoping poles, and provide a little spring-loaded button in two opposing holes. With one of these in the stick, it just pops in and out. The only real hangup is that the smallest size hole they make them for is 1/4”. But I decided to go with them, and tonight I drilled those passthrough holes out to 1/4” and installed the clip, so now I’ve got a slick detachable stick.



Of course, there’s still a remaining issue for making the stick detachable, and that’s figuring out how to make the wiring for the grip detachable. That problems existed independently of this whole button thing, though. One of the cool ideas I’ve seen for this is to simply take two mating connectors and epoxy one side inside the stick, and the other inside the socket, such that they mate together when the stick is installed. This seems nice and elegant, and it’s probably what I’ll go for, but it does seem potentially fun getting those plugs epoxied in the precise correct location. The other alternative is to have a hole in the stick above the joint, with the wires coming out of that, and mating with a connector outside the stick. Which would be ugly but also functional and simple.

Decisions, decisions…

Posted in Fuselage | Hours Logged: .5

Upper avionics shelf

I was really hoping for some cooler weather this week – we’ve been hearing about a potential “cool front” – but it looks like it’s not to be. And so today was just a normal stupid-hot Houston day, but I worked through it (mostly in short bursts, as per usual). I’d intended to get going on fabricating the lower shelf behind the panel – the one that will house the fuse blocks and other primary distribution stuff – but I ended up going in a different direction. As we’ll see later, this was actually a good thing.

Anyway, to start with I wanted to lay out the location of that lower shelf. The intent here is for the shelf to start at the lower edge of the cross-cabin brace behind the gear towers, and extend straight forward until it encounters the baggage bulkhead. The first thing was to figure out the vertical location at that forward end that would result in a level orientation of the shelf. This I worked out with a combination of a square and ruler, using a rivet line as a guide. With that, I was able to draw a level line on the baggage bulkhead, setting the forward attach point for the shelf.

Next, I wanted to get that bulkhead into the fuselage, so I could measure the distance from the brace to the bulkhead – which would determine the depth of the shelf. This sent me into a side trip of removing the rudder pedals, which was needed to get all the baggage floors in place, which were needed to locate the bulkhead precisely for measuring.

At some point, though, I changed and started working on the upper shelf. I don’t even remember why. The design here is similar – this shelf will start at the forward cross-cabin brace, which is higher than the aft one. At one point I was considering making this shelf actually slant from one brace to another, but that seems overly complex – so instead I decided to just have the shelf go straight back, and then have a 90° bend to a vertical portion that can attach to the aft brace.

So I did the measuring routine again, figuring out the depth of the horizontal and vertical portions. Then I cut off yet another section of my trashed wing skin, and got to work laying the part out. I wanted to also allow material at the ends of the shelf to bend down for stiffness, so that had to be accounted for. (I’ll likely eventually add another stiffener or two, once I figure out the device locations).

Then it was time for bending. Here’s the sheet clamped to the edge of the workbench, ready for me to apply some targeted physical violence with a hammer:

 After making that bend, along with the two stiffening flanges, it was time to take a deep breath and go for a test fit. Whew, it fits nicely!

 At this point I couldn’t resist trying a layout of my cardboard faux avionics boxes:

 This led me to an interesting consideration: namely, packaging things around the brake lines coming out of the gear towers. I haven’t really thought of these at all while conceptualizing all the avionics stuff. My main concern was having the EMS connectors hang off the edge of the shelf and interfere, so I grabbed the brake lines and installed them. To review, these lines go from the top of the gear towers to a point on centerline, just under the baggage bulkhead.

This highlighted an issue with my lower shelf that I hadn’t considered. My original plan was to simply rivet a section of piano hinge to the baggage bulkhead and the shelf, allowing it to pivot down and forward and allow access to the fuses. But with these brake lines running beside the bulkhead, that means the lowered shelf will interfere with them. Possibly not a huge deal – this shelf isn’t intended to be accessed in flight – but I’m not sure I like the ides of the shelf potentially swinging down and hitting the lines repeatedly over the aircraft’s lifetime.

The routing of the lines is visible here. Note the Sharpie line on the bulkhead; that would be the location of the forward edge of the lower shelf:

So yeah, I’m glad I didn’t go ahead and do the lower shelf and then discover this. It probably wouldn’t have been a huge deal – I’d probably just need to add some stops fo keep the shelf off the lines. I’ll probably still need to do that, no matter what I do, but at least I can plan for it instead of having to be reactionary. I’m thinking what I’ll do here is to rivet a length of angle to the bulkhead, and then rivet the piano hinge to that – that’ll offset the hinge point for the shelf by 3/4”. Combined with some sort of stop, that should make things work OK here.

Anyway, back to the upper shelf – I still need to lay out and make the attach holes on the braces, which will use screws and nutplates. I may wait on that until I get my avionics on hand – I’m a little concerned that my packaging designs from before might not work. One thing I didn’t account for was the mount points for boxes interfering with where the shelf overlaps the forward brace. I might end up having to do some creative stuff here, like mounting components vertically.

Oh, and I’ve got a bunch of tentative orders working right now. I need to get some quick-disconnect fasteners to hold up the aft end of the lower shelf – I think I’ll end up getting some quarter-turn captive screws from McMaster-Carr. I also spent way too much time looking at switches last night – I want to nail down an order for those this week, so I can have the switch panel(s) finalized before I get to building harnesses. And I guess I might go ahead and order my ELT from Spruce this week, and see about tacking on some assorted hardware since I’ll be getting free shipping.

…so much to do…

Posted in Avionics, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 3