OAT sensors

What to do next? I feel like I’m in a weird state where I have plenty of small things to do but somehow it’s hard to decide which to work on at any given point. Well, tonight that thing was the OAT (outside air temperature) sensors. The Dynon OAT sensors connect to the ADAHRS units; this is why I have two to install (one per ADAHRS).

I’ve been sort of thinking for a while about exactly where to locate these. Some folks really like to put them out on the wings, but I didn’t want to deal with the wiring to make that happen. Second-best choice seems to be back at the tail. In this area, there seem to be two locations that people use; the first is on one side of the fuselage, under the horizontal stab, the other is on the aft most bulkhead, so the sensors are inside the empennage fairing.

I kind of liked the first idea from the perspective of keeping the exterior of the aircraft clean (plus not drilling more holes in my skins), but there are a couple potential issues with that spot. The first is that as the name of the sensor indicates, it really is supposed to go outside the aircraft; the idea is to read the ambient air temperature. Arguably, the area inside the empennage fairing isn’t really getting warmed by anything, so the difference might be trivial in most aircraft, but I expect to have the tail painted a dark color, which means there’ll be a good chance of significant solar heating of this area.

So it seemed that outside was the place to go. Next question, where back here? My strong desire for symmetry made me want to put one sensor on either side of the fuselage, but I didn’t like the consideration of dealing with the wiring for this – specifically routing one pair of wires from one side to another, in a way that it wouldn’t have a chance of interfering with the elevator push tube, which will pass through here. So instead I just put both sensors over on the right side.

That just left making the holes; laying them out far enough down to be away from the longerons, and properly spaced apart. Next was feeding the wires for each sensor through the hole, then feeding the nylon washer and nut from the backside and getting the sensors snugged in place:

Then I fed the wires forward, where they’ll run alongside the elevator trim and tail light wires. A look at the backside of the sensors through the aft deck:

Then I got to re-lace the wire run I put together a while back, adding the OAT wires to the bundle:

Next up I’ll need to get these terminated at the ADAHRs units. Which is another decision point; both sensors came with a lot of wire, pre-terminated with micro Molex pins. So I have a choice of either retaining the full provided wire length, which means coiling up and properly securing several feet of extra wire, or trimming and re-terminating the wires…assuming I even have the micro Molex pins on hand. I think I do, but I’m far from sure, and I didn’t check before coming in for the night. I’m leaning towards the latter just because my desire for neatness will be offended by coil of wire just sort of hanging around.

Another thing I did tonight was to finally commit to removing my fuselage rotisserie fixture. After thinking it over a lot, I don’t think I’ll need to roll the fuselage over again, and I want to have access to the firewall so I can start working on stuff there. First and foremost will be getting the ground bus installed and doing all my ground wire terminations, but there’s also adding the wiring passthrough hole on the right side. Once that’s done, I can pull through the harness bundle, then feed the ignition coil connectors back through into the cabin, and finish lacing up the harness section that’s waiting on that bit.

All that is to say, here’s the first look I’ve had at the bare firewall in quite some time:

Posted in Avionics, Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 2

ADS-B antenna cable

Tonight was the second and much longer of the antenna cable I had planned. Whereas the transponder cable just has a short run from the shelf to the other side of a bulkhead, this one has to run all the way to near the spar carry through and then back to just ahead of the rear spar. It could be made shorter, but I’d have to add another rear spar penetration hole and live with this cable not being accessible without removing the seat floors. So I’ve always been planning to route it through the conduit, even if it made for a longer run.

The other fun part about this cable is that I couldn’t just fab the whole thing up on the bench; one end of it had to be terminated in place. That wasn’t much of a deal, though, just slightly more inconvenient. Once I’d finished the terminations and tested the cable, I went ahead and secured it in the seat-floor area. Some of those nice zip tie pads keep it tucked against the seat rib, and then it’s laced into the wire bundle going across the bay. Everything ended up nice and tidy:

I’m a bit less satisfied with the aft end of the run, though. I cut the cable a bit long, figuring I could deal with slack back at the avionics shelf, but I’m not really liking how all the slack ends up back here. I’m probably going to re-trim this end of the cable and put a 90° BNC connector here instead of the straight one. That should eliminate the big sweeping bend here that would otherwise be a little tough to secure to my satisfaction:

I’ve still got to figure out how to secure the transponder cable from last night where it ducks under the shelf as well – so far I haven’t had any bright ideas on that one. Maybe a small piece of angle, riveted to the shelf flange, and with a couple holes drilled, could become a little zip tie mount pad. But then I’d have to think about the rivet heads possibly chafing the wire bundle…hmm. Oh well, more thinking to do there.

Posted in Avionics, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1

Look, an antenna cable!

Tonight I decided it was time to finally try my hand at some coax. I got Josie to help me temporarily install the transponder and ADS-B receiver antennas, so I could work on the coax for those. I started with the transponder, which is the easier of the two, since it has a pretty short run. I actually spent some time trying to decide how to route it, eventually settling for running it under the avionics shelf and then through a bulkhead lightening hole.

Now, I did do a coax crimp or two when I did the Sportair electrical workshop…which was maybe six years ago. So I did take a few minutes to go read up on the trim lengths again before getting to work, and in general I probably took about five times as long as necessary to get the terminations done. and in the end, all I did was that one cable for the transponder, but hey, it’s something…

A look at the cable going through he bulkhead. The white thing mounted on the side of the lightening hole is what the cable will be secured to when final-installed. Obviously I don’t want it chafing on the edge of that hole, and I also want to make sure it stays clear of the rudder cable:

A look at the overall routing from above. So far, the only place the cable is supported is at that lightening hole, but I think I want to add something at the forward edge of the shelf as well – I still need to decide exactly how I want to handle that. But at the moment the cable is just sort of dangling in midair, which I don’t think is really satisfactory, especially given the proximity to the rudder cable:

So maybe I can figure out how to secure that next time out. Then I guess I can look at the longer, more convoluted coax run for the ADS-B antenna. That one will have to be terminated and crimped inside the fuselage, which will make things a little bit more fun…

Posted in Avionics, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1

Switch console plug, redoing some lacing

Since I finally got in the parts I needed from Mouser, I figured tonight I’d revisit the switch console where I got hung up a while back. I got the sockets all installed in the plug housing, and did a test fit with the console. So now it’s all hooked up:

While working on that, I noticed how some of the lacing on the harness trunk along the baggage bulkhead had moved around. I think when I originally did the lacing on the harness, I didn’t really snug the stuff down very well, or else the bundles tightened up while being moved and installed. In any case, I decided to redo some of that lacing where it was clearly too loose. For all I know the new lacing might move around eventually too, but at least it looks better for now.

Posted in Avionics, Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1

Fuse shelf feed wiring finished

Again, not a ton of time out in the shop today, but I didn’t need much to finish terminating all these branches and make things all nice and shiny. Just lots of trimming, stripping, crimping, and heat shrinking. But this mostly finished up the shelf, with the exception of adding the actual power feeds from the engine compartment. I guess I could go ahead and pull those feeds and just leave them unterminated on the forward firewall side, though I’d also need to order the right terminal lug for heavy-gauge main feed wire; I don’t have that on hand right now. But all that will be relatively simple compared to this somewhat tedious work.

Anyway, enough talking, it’s time for photos. As probably mentioned before, the branch circuits all exit the shelf on the right side, and from there split off into a few smaller bundles going to different fuse block spots. I like how neat this all ended up, though a really picky part of me wants to shorten up that M5 wire (rightmost branch on the top-right bundle). Pretty sure I can live with that, though…

Note: all the securing of the bundles here is temporary. That’s likely obvious where the bundles are secured with twist-ties, but that also applies to the zip ties; I used those where I needed the bundles held a little more securely while working in here. When this is final-assembled, the bundles will be wrapped in silicon tape anywhere a zip-tie is used for security, to prevent the zip-tie cutting through insulation.

So yeah…I can’t exactly point to a lot of shop hours this weekend, but I like what I have to show for what time I had.

Posted in Avionics, Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1

Even more fuse shelf wiring

Well, between the late summer heat and multiple things to do around the house today, I didn’t get a ton of time, but it’s still more than I’ve done in a day for a while, which felt pretty nice. I think it helped a bit to be able to tune in the OSH arrival audio on LiveATC while I was working…a bit of a reminder of what I could be doing with this plane in a year’s time if I can keep my work ethic up.

Anyway, first step was continuing with lacing and branching out the fuse block bundle. Last time I’d gotten as far as the end of the essential bus, this time I got the rest of the run all the way around the main bus, with all the individual circuit branches separated as needed. I did run into a couple iffy wire lengths, which resulted in me shuffling some circuit assignments around, but nothing really troublesome at all. I just made sure I was updating my schematics as I made those decisions.

It’s not the great to look t, but here’s the bundle all routed around the main bus. With the branches sticking out every which way it’s still pretty chaotic:

Next was the real fun: starting to terminate the branches. I only got as far as on side of the essential bus, which consisted of four whole circuits, but the results are pretty satisfying:

Since the individual wire runs are pretty short, I had to keep the heat shrink labels minimal, which is why they’re only labeled with the block position. The main purpose of the labels here is so that if I ever have to disconnect anything here, I can reliably reconnect the runs to the proper fuses. Actual identification of the circuits will come from a little table I plan on printing out and attaching to the open area of the fuse shelf – it’ll be pretty similar to how cars generally have a diagram and key to identify which fuse is which.

I’m looking forward to getting the rest of these terminations done – just seeing that one side of the block, I think this is going to look really slick when it’s complete. Of course, probably no one but me will ever see it again once the airplane is done, but at least I’ll get to enjoy the satisfaction of good workmanship.

In other news, I got my Mouser order in, which includes the Molex housings I need to complete the switch console plugs. Probably something to look at once I finish with the shelf. After that, I need to worry about getting the ground bus installed and all the terminations done…once that’s complete, I think it’ll be about time to try powering some fo this stuff up, which will be a nerve-wracking exercise…

Posted in Avionics, Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 2

Wiring experimentation

Yet again, just some incremental work. I wanted to figure out how to address the two seat heat feeds to the fuse box so I could get moving on that. First up was the question of whether I could actually just put two 14AWG wires into a single terminal. I tried that with a couple short pieces, and I did get them to crimp sort of OK into a larger terminal, but only by using the wrong (one size smaller) die in the crimper. I didn’t feel too crazy about that idea, even if it did feel secure.

OK, well what about doing a good old-fashioned window splice? Here again, my test for this worked ok, but I wasn’t to happy with it. Wrapping one wire around another is a good bit harder to do cleanly when they’re this big, and wetting them out with solder is a bit more work, too.

So instead, I’m going to terminate the two wires individually, and use a piggyback blade terminal on one. The piggyback terminal has both the female portion that’ll go on the fuse block, plus a male blade that another terminal can attach to.

Of course, I don’t have these, but hey, this was a good time to finally get those Molex connectors I need ordered. Digi-key now says they won’t have the part I need in stock until…November…so I just ordered from Mouser instead. Looks like that stuff should be here by the end off the week.

Maybe I should work on some of my antenna coax runs in the meantime. Or I guess I could get my ground bus located and mounted, so I can start terminating all those wires. I’ll need all that done before I can power everything up anyway.

Posted in Electrical | Hours Logged: .5

More fuse shelf wiring

Did some more work on making the fuse shelf nice tonight. Basically I’m working through lacing up the wire bundles and getting them routed. The first part of this was pretty easy, just lacing up the main trunk as it enters the shelf through the adel clamps I put in place last time. From there I needed to think about splitting the bundle as needed, so I ended up sitting in the fuselage for a bit splitting off the four branches (one for each side of the two fuse blocks) and arranging the entire bundle so that each branch could split off fairly cleanly.

From there, I got as far as pulling out the first branch for the essential bus, then lacing up the rest of the trunk as it passes down and along the other side of the essential bus, with the individual leads branching out of the trunk. Terminating these will come later; I figure I’ll deal with that after I get the routing taken care of.

Starting to look more organized, but still plenty to do:

Before I continue lacing over towards the main bus, I need to decide how to handle the dual power leads for the seat heat circuits. In most other spots, I did window splicing down in the harness for split leads like this, but here I brought both power leads all the way to the fuse blocks. Notably, I also did this with the com radio circuit; there’s a lead for the remote radio as well as the actual panel. In that case, it’s easy to handle since they’re small gauge wires; I’ll just combine both wires into the terminal. But that’s probably not doable for the 14AWG seat heat wires, so I think I’m going to need to work a window splice into the harness here. That should be a fun one to work out with the heavy wire…I’ll probably want to do a test run on the workbench before I try it on the real harness…

Posted in Avionics, Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1.5

Fuse shelf wire routing

Well, for some reason I went out and tried to work tonight and it clicked and I actually got some stuff done. This isn’t the only time I’ve touched airplane stuff since I last posted, but between then and now it seems like I’d touch something every now and again for a few minutes but just never seem to actually get going. Motivation is a weird thing…

Anyway, this is what I’ve been trying to tinker with for a week or so now; getting the hardware mounted to secure the wire bundle. The idea here was to have two adel clamps, one mounted to the shelf, and the other to the baggage bulkhead, which will secure the bundle in both spots and provide an area where it can flex when the shelf needs to be pivoted down. So all I needed to do was lay out and drill a couple mount holes.

But hey, that’s done now. I’ve got the clamps temporarily mounted just to check routing, but this seems good to me. I think next I’ll need to get this portion of the bundle laced, then I can start working on the rest of the routing around the shelf, which will involve even more lacing, plus just in general working out the splitting of the bundles.

(Note: the screws I’m using with the adel clamps right now are absurdly long. I need to get some that are less ridiculous, but these work for mocking things up.)

Posted in Avionics, Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: 1

Let’s look at this fuse shelf

Well, it was only half an hour, but half an hour is something, and I need to get back in the habit of doing something. I still don’t have the parts to finish up the switch console – Digi-Key still doesn’t have the right plug in stock. Guess I might break down and order them from Mouser or somewhere else at some point.

Anyway, I figured to quit putting off the fuse shelf. Tonight I disconnected the avionics shelf stuff and got the shelf out of the way so I could look at the fuse shelf. And I’m happy to see that my concerns about the fuse wire lengths appear to have been unfounded – looks like I should be able to route the wire bundles like I want and still reach everything. So I shouldn’t need to add a disconnect or extend anything here.

Now I just need to actually do some of this work, starting with securing the bundle to the baggage bulkhead and shelf, which will control the portion of the bundle that’ll allow the shelf to actually pivot down as needed.

Posted in Avionics, Electrical, Fuselage | Hours Logged: .5