I’ll start with a straightforward confession: I was pretty much 100% unproductive at work today. You see, ever since I got the tracking info for my empennage kit, I’d been refreshing that page in a seriously obsessive manner. As of about 8:30 this morning, the kit was at my local Fedex location…but too late for it to go on a truck today. No way was I going to just sit back and let it sit all weekend in a warehouse, mere miles from my home. So I called and was able to arrange to pick the kit up myself after work. By 7:00, I had two boxes with the lovely label “HIGH DOLLAR AIRCRAFT PARTS” sitting in my garage. Thirty minutes later, after scarfing dinner at light speed, I was tearing the boxes open and trying not to squeal like a little schoolgirl. I then spent the next 90 minutes on inventory. Good news: it’s all there!
Unfortunately, I have plans for the rest of tonight, as well as all day tomorrow, so Sunday looks like the next viable work day. I still have a practice kit lying around that needs to be built as well, so I suspect that’ll be Sunday’s task. I’ve also taken a pass for now on figuring out storage for all these parts…so I’ve got some housekeeping items to take care of before I launch into this project. The good news is that Memorial Day is coming up, which means a long weekend for building.
Let the fun begin!
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