
Conduit comedy

Apologies for the amusing alliteration in the title…but it’s an appropriate summary of my feelings today, and maybe a small lesson in just following the plans, so to speak.

Recall that I went shopping for conduit sometime last week, so I could add a short run from the wingtip to the pitot tube location. Now, this isn’t uncharted territory, since Van’s provided solid instructions for running this ribbed conduit through the wings, and even sells the conduit themselves. But they also only sell 25’ of it at minimum, and I needed maybe ten total, for the wing run plus some runs int hen fuselage. So I ordered what I thought was the right size from Amazon, but it was too large – I’d clearly mixed up the inside vs outside diameter dimension. But now I knew the thickness of the conduit, so I couldn’t go wrong. I ordered the right size, and now surely I’d be in business, right?

Well, I picked the package up from the post office (along with another package…more on that in a bit), and came home ready to finally Do Something®. Except…this time the conduit is too small. And there’s no intermediate size for sale on Amazon. Now, this isn’t an immediate deal-breaker – since I’ll be making my own holes in the wing ribs for that run, I can use whatever size I want. But some tinkering revealed that the 1/2” stuff I got in today is too small for even my short wing conduit run, since it needs to accommodate terminals alongside two pitot lines.

So yeah…here we are, a week or so after the odyssey started, and I have a couple lengths of conduit that I can’t really use, and I’m about to just order the stuff from Van’s anyway. If only I’d done that in the first place…

But hey, let’s talk some more positive stuff. As I mentioned, I had another package – this was from Don Pansier of Delta Pop Aviation, containing the antennas I ordered late last week. It’s fun getting stuff like this, starts to really feel like I’m turning this aluminum hulk into a functional aircraft:

 There was one unexpected aspect of this order, though. When I placed the order, I went with two com antennas, one 1090MHz transponder antenna, and one 978MHz/UAT antenna. The former is for, well, the transponder, and the latter is for the ADS-B receiver. So I was a little surprised when I opened the box and saw that both the blade antennas appeared to be identical. This, by the way, is the reason they’re still in their bubble wrap bags in the photo above – I thought maybe I’d gotten shipped the wrong things. I wrote Don a quick email to ask about this, and he responded (at 8 PM) to explain that the antennas were identical, and would perform equally well, and included performance documentation. I’ve heard stories of Don’s great customer service, and he didn’t disappoint.

Finally, after the conduit shenanigans, I did want to get something constructive done tonight, trivial as it might be…so I went with getting the autopilot roll servo mount kit installed. This is pretty simple – you just replace the lower bellcrank pivot bracket with the supplied piece, and add a support arm off the upper pivot bracket. To get that support arm properly positioned, I put the servo I have on hand in place temporarily, and went ahead and assembled the linkage from the servo to the bellcrank just for good measure:

Once again…moving from spare parts too systems. Fun stuff to play with, even briefly. But that’s it for tonight…I think now I need to do some research into antenna positioning, then I can see about getting those mount holes located and drilled. I figure the main thing will be making sure the com antenna locations are moved aft a bit so they can’t interfere with the aileron push tubes, and I’ll want to space the blade antennas a bit off of adjacent structure to allow for good access as well.

And maybe I’ll finally get the right conduit I need this week…here’s hoping if I order tonight it’ll be here Friday…

Posted in Wings | Hours Logged: 1

Paint, static ports, and conduit too!

Nice productive day today, on a variety of stuff, even though I found myself needing things to complete some tasks. First up was getting the remaining bulkhead cleaned and scuffed for priming, then left out to dry while I went across the runway for coffee and chit-chat. By the time I came home, it was good and dry, so I got it primed. An hour or so later, with the primer dry to the touch, I went ahead and shot the stone texture coat, which I then left to bake in the sun. Apparently the heat and sun really help this stuff cure – previously I’ve found this paint to still be smearable a day later, but this time it was dry to the touch by mid-afternoon. It was actually dry enough that I went ahead and clecoed it in place in the fuselage, though I’m still going to wait until probably next weekend before doing any riveting, just to be sure.

Hey look, paint!

So with nothing more to do on the bulkheads, I needed a new task, and I decided to get going on the static ports. This ended up being a prime example of how vulnerable I can be to “analysis paralysis.” Before doing anything, I went inside to just look at some static system install photos, and ended up reading a whole lot of discussions about issues with static ports.

To preface this conversation, the plans method for static ports is, in the great tradition of Van’s, dirt simple – you just remove the stem from a pop rivet and bond it into a hole, then stick a tube on the inside portion. This is a touch crude for me (and others), so some time ago I bought a kit from SafeAir1 that included machined static port inserts.

Thing is, some people have reported airspeed issues with the SafeAir1 ports. From further reading, I learned that the first kits sold placed the static ports flush with the fuselage skin, unlike the pop-rivet method, which would put the ports slightly proud of the skin. Fortunately, later kits remedied this and left the ports similarly proud, and this is the type of port insert I have. Of course, there were still people reporting airspeed issues with those ports as well. Some people went so far as to install the port inserts on the outside of the skin, but still other people opined that this might cause errors due to being too proud of the skin.

Long story short, I could have spent all day trying to figure out the exact right way to do static ports, but in the end I was able to just go and install the ones I had. It seems that if I end up having any issues, they can be addressed a few different ways, so in the end I just did the thing.

Van’s says to place the ports four inches below the longeron rivet row, and one inch forward of the adjacent bulkhead row. Since the flanges on these inserts are larger than the plans pop rivets, I moved the hole an additional quarter-inch forward, to ensure clearance with the bulkhead flanges. After measuring a few times for good measure, I drilled the 1/4” holes, one on each side of the tail.

then there was the question of how to mount these. Some people rivet them, one people bond them, some people who really like to combine belts and suspenders do both…I decided I was just going to bond them. If it’s good enough for my fresh-air scoop forward, it’s good enough for this. So I scuffed up the mating surface of the inserts, as well as the mating area inside the skins:

Here, though, I hot a roadblock: I don’t have any epoxy on hand. So much for bonding these today. I actually considered going out to buy some, but that seemed like an unproductive choice, especially since I’d probably have to go into Katy to find anything. Instead, tomorrow I can just run into Brookshire when the hardware store is open.

OK, so what next? I know, I can finally install the conduit that took me three tries to buy, and work on the pitot tube heat wiring. First up was locating the conduit holes; I reviewed the Van’s guidance on placement, which OKs a location between the forward most lightening hole and the adjacent one. I picked a center location that provided good distance between the rib edge, the lightening hole, and the stiffening ridge between the holes. I was initially going to make some sort of a jig so I could locate all the holes in the same place, but had a better idea, just using the intersection of an arc drawn off the hole, and a straight line off the rib edge.

With the holes located, I drilled pilot holes and then busted out the Unibit to open them up to 3/4”:

Then I measured the conduit run (about 24”), cut off some conduit with extra length for good measure, and pulled it through the holes. I see some people report having a lot of trouble doing this when they use this for wing wiring, but I found it pretty simple to pull through. The key is to stretch it was you pull, making the outside diameter shrink a bit so it goes through the hole more easily. I pulled the conduit relatively snug between the ribs so it wouldn’t sag, which should make running wires easier. Finally, I applied RTV around the conduit on each side of the rib penetration, to stabilize it in place and prevent vibration from cutting the conduit:

All right! Next I’ll locate the pitot controller and drill its mounting holes…wait, that’s a bad idea. I’ve got wet RTV down there, probably not a good plan to do drilling above that and embed aluminum chips in the RTV. OK, we’ll move on to wiring instead.

Since I’m extending the wiring between the controller and the tube, I’ll be adding an extra pair of terminals, which will need to pass cleanly through the conduit. This is particularly important, since my plan for dealing with the service loop of wire and pitot line will be to pull the slack out to the wingtip and secure it there (as opposed to letting it just sit loose in the wing bay).

Problem is, as supplied, the terminals both on the controller and tubs sit right beside each other, which would make for a very bulky spot in a snug conduit:

So I basically re-terminaled both the controller and pitot harnesses, staggering the wire lengths, which will allow the whole bundle to be slimmer. Once it’s assembled, I expect to wrap both joints in silicone tape or something just to help smooth them out even more. Here’s the same harness from above after trimming:

OK, now the RTV is pretty dry, so let’s get that controller located. To make this a little easier, I transferred the shape of the controller base into thin scrap plywood and thus made a template. I used the template to locate the first mounting hole, checked the actual controller in place with that hole, then used the controller itself as the template fo the other three holes. I considered going ahead and putting in the nutplates here, but for the moment I think it’s actually easier to use clecoes to temporarily mount the thing. Here it is with the two wiring runs roughed up: the feeds from the wing root coming out the white PEX conduit, and the harness going to the pitot tube going into the black ribbed conduit:

Finally, I had everything in place where I could make the extension harness that will go through the conduit! Well, actually not, it turns out. I only have red and black wire in the gauge needed for this run. Black isn’t an issue, since that’s the actual color of one run, but the other two are blue and orange. I’m not OCD enough to need the colors to actually match for those, but I do want to use an acceptable generic color, which is white. Red implies a power run – which these are, in a way, but I don’t like the ambiguity. I’d rather match the wires on the pitot tube harness, where there’s one black wire, and two white ones with heat shrink color-coded to match the controller wires.

So yeah, I need to order some wire to make this extension harness. And I guess colored heat shrink as well, but that I already found on Amazon, so that’s easy. Not sure where I want to order the wire from, I think I’ll be figuring that out tonight.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get those static port inserts bonded; if so, then I can go ahead and get the static line routing in place between the two ports. Just one more little thing.

I’ve also been thinking about my other conduit runs in the fuselage. I think I’m going to want two runs under the seat floors: the right side can house the wiring harness going to the aft avionics bay and tail, and the left one can route the pitot and AOA lines back to the ADAHRS. The other fun thing is the conduit I’d intended to run in the tail; if I run it through the holes I originally planned, it’ll exit into he baggage area, which I don’t want. Instead I think I’ll end up with a curved run, starting low in the bell crank area and ending up high at the tail. The challenge here is that the conduit run will go around a longeron, and I’ll need some way to keep that contact from wearing through the conduit over time. I’m not actually sure that this idea will work…another thing to think about…

Posted in Electrical, Fuselage, Wings | Hours Logged: 3.5

Pitot harness

Built out the pitot heat extension harness tonight. Unfortunately, the end result wasn’t quite what I’d hoped for, as we’ll see later.

I ordered wire like I mentioned previously, and it came in today. Unlike what I said before, I ended up ordering orange and blue wire instead of just white; the price was basically identical to buying white wire and colored heat shrink, and I figured having some spare wire around was slightly preferable to a whole set of colored heat shrink that I’d probably never use.

Anyway, this was pretty straightforward. I’d previously determined the length of the extension harness as 30”, so I cut the required length of black, orange, and blue wires, and crimped on the required terminals. That left the two tiny-gauge sensor wires; for these, I decided to twist the pair together to help facilitate keeping things neat. Then the small wires got micro Molex pins/sokets, and were installed into their connectors.

Finally, I connected everything to the controller harness, bust out my lacing cord, and bundles everything up. Not strictly necessary, but this should make it easier to feed this through the conduit when required:

Next up was a trial fit in the wing. What I’d hoped to do here was to run both the harness and the pitot/AOA lines through the conduit together. Well, the harness goes through OK, and the lines can be squeezed in there too, but already there there’s an issue: things are pretty tight, like I can hardly pull slack on either the tubes or the harness without dragging something else along. Worse yet, there’s no way to pull through the connector bundle at the tip rib, which is a requirement for getting enough slack at the pitot mount for servicing.

Yeah, it’s kind of tight:

So long story short, running the harness and tubing together seems like a non-starter. Looks like I’m back to routing the lines through snap bushings in the ribs instead. I’m also seriously considering adding another access cover beside the pitot tube to facilitate maintenance. I don’t especially like the idea, but I’m no longer 100% convinced that all my ideas for promoting serviceability are going to work. I think I’ll do one final experiment before going with that – clenching the wing skin in place, and seeing just how hard it is to reach in and over to the pitot bay if it were to become necessary. I think it’s doable, but maybe not preferable.

Posted in Electrical, Wings | Hours Logged: 1.5