Deburred tank ribs

So yeah, not much activity these last few days. My back as been bothering me a lot lately, to the extent that I had two doctor’s visits last week. I was getting along OK, but wasn’t sure if going out to the garage and hunching over stuff was the best thing to be doing. Plus it seemed appropriate to take it easy in general. I’m feeling a lot better this weekend, presumably thanks to the steroid pills I’ve been taking.

I still didn’t want to go all out yet, but I felt I should get something done, and I had yet to deburr all the holes in the ribs. That’s a nice, easy task I can do sitting down, so I went for it. No pictures, nothing really to see tonight.

I think tomorrow if I’m continuing to feel better, I’ll see about fay sealing the left tank stiffeners, and then I can rivet those Monday night. There are also some little sealing tasks to be done, like the fuel sender terminals, fuel feed and vent line fittings, and so forth. I think it’s probably best to reserve the fay sealing and riveting of the main ribs to a weekend; those will be quite a bit of work for sure.

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