Started out with the tank baffles tonight. They needed their edges finished in addition to the holes deburred, so I started out knocking down the edges with a scotch brute wheel in the die grinder, then deburred all the holes. Lots and lots of holes. But still nothing compared to the skins… I was only about an hour in at that point, so I decided to finish the edges of the skins as well. That would leave me with nothing but holes deburring from here on out (I think…). More work with the die grinder took care of all those.
I think my air compressor deserves a week vacation after this. That die grinder takes quite a bit of air, and using it for any extended period generally results in the compressor running the whole time – it can just barely keep up at 100 psi.
No photos tonight, just use your imagination and picture shiny pieces of aluminum with nice smooth edges.