Workshop Prep, Part I

At the risk of stating the completely obvious, before beginning a project like this RV build, one first needs to have a good workspace.  To this end, I recently moved myself to a house with a nice two-car garage.  However, as tends to happen with moves, the garage became a sort of warehouse for boxes of stuff that I didn’t really have a home for.  Since I had Presidents Day off, I resolved to spend the day out in the garage doing some organizing.

The end result isn’t really ready for building, but I did get a lot of things stored out of the way, and generally cleared out some floor space.  There are still some items I have out in the open that are either going to be sold or donated.  I figure that once I pick up a tool cabinet, air compressor, and materials for building my workbenches, I’ll finalize the layout of everything and do another bout of reorganizing.


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As it turned out, doing all that cleanup work kind of got me motivated to continue prep work.  Another thing that really needed addressing was lighting.  The garage was lit by two single incandescent bulbs, one of which was burned out.  Completely unacceptable.  So Josie and I went out for dinner and a Home Depot run, and came back with 8 48″ flourescent shop light fixtures, which I proceeded to hang, finishing up just before midnight.  Long day overall, but the change was well worth it.

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