More cowl sanding and filling

Quick one tonight. I worked a bit on rounding over the transition from the upper cowl surface to the spinner flange, though I didn’t put a lot of effort into making it perfect. Mostly I wanted to get in the general neighborhood just to see if I uncovered any more pinholes that needed filling. (which I didn’t)

With that done, I decided it was time for another application of micro. The main purpose was to fill the various holes that had opened up while I was sanding, but I also wanted to build up the inside edge of the upper spinner flange. When I sanded that down previously, I discovered I hadn’t really gotten the micro far enough over the transition to cover everything. So after working micro into the various voids, I smeared a bunch of it into that inner edge.

One thing I’ve learned about dealing with micro is that while it’s nigh-impossible to put it on cleanly when it’s fresh, if I just wait about half an hour for it to set a bit, I can come back out and use a gloved finger to massage it much closer to the desired final shape. This really helps to cut down on the sanding compared to my previous method of just glopping on about three times as much as I thought I needed, and ensuring that the low points were still high enough to sand off.

So that was my last act tonight; now I get to wait until tomorrow and have yet another round of sanding on this lovely modern art masterpiece:

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